Give-Away: “Plexi Class”

One of the things I love most about mixed media is learning about some brand-new-to-me material that I would never have thought about for art-making. Spackle. Rusty metal. Aluminum.


Plexiglass. That’s what this book, Plexi Class, by my editor Tonia Jenny (formerly Davenport), is all about: her love of plexiglass and what you can do with it, which, it turns out, is a *lot.* She makes jewelry, sure, but she also uses it for purses and boxes and checkbook covers and dog collars, and–whoa. Who knew? Well, Tonia knew, and so she wrote this book, and now you can find out all about the possibilities of working with this amazing material. I have an extra copy here (in addition to my very own copy, which I am keeping), signed by Tonia and ready to inspire someone who, like me, had no idea plexiglass could be so much fun.

What you need to do is leave a comment and tell us something about why you need/want/can’t live without this book. You’re eligible if you have a US shipping address (I’m sorry, but I ship these books myself, from my home, so overseas shipping isn’t going to happen) and you promise to check back to see if you’ve won. I’ll pick someone and post next Monday–good luck!


Ricë also blogs at The Voodoo Cafe.


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