I’m not a lawyer. Or an accountant. I don’t even dream of playing either on TV. I’m a lousy business person. Frankly, I don’t know anything about most of that stuff. Last time, in Wednesday’s post, I told you pretty much everything I know. I do have the sense to realize, however, that there’s more you need to know, and lucky me: here at CreateMixedMedia, there are people who know stuff. All kinds of stuff. And people who know people who know stuff. So while I was sitting in the meeting yesterday listening to the other editors talk about “LCC” and “getting incorporated” and thinking, “Gee, I should be googling this stuff, so I’d have a clue,” I realized I’ve got the perfect opportunity to offer help. If you’re thinking about starting your own business but have no idea where to start and have a whole bunch of questions you’d like to ask, this is for you. Sure, some of you have your very own support group, one that’s full of helpful, knowledgeable, talented people who know the law and know finances and know everything you need to know.
You people are excused. We love you anyway.
The rest of us are maybe not quite so lucky. We may know people who are doing the things we want to do, but we’re not so sure they’d be willing to offer advice. Maybe they’re not so generous with the information, or maybe they don’t really want the competition. Other people are more than delighted to help us, but maybe their “expertise” falls more into the category of wishful thinking and gut feelings, and while those can be useful, it’s not exactly what you’re looking for when you’re thinking about making a really kind of huge change in your life.
So here you go. Between today and Sunday, May 15th, you can send any small-business-related questions, either legal or financial, to [email protected]. Here’s the blurb you’ll find in the newsletter. (And by the way: if you haven’t signed up for the newsletter, you really ought to do it because that’s where we’ll always announce stuff like this. We have these weekly meetings and have all these ideas for stuff and want to invite input or share new Flickr groups or announce a new contest, and the newsletter is usually the first place it goes. Go here to sign up if you haven’t already.) And here’s the official info:
Ask Us Your Art Business Questions!
Love your art enough to make it a full time job? Ask us the financial and legal questions you have about starting your own small business. Ask us:
~~What’s the difference between an LLC and being incorporated?
~~How should you organize your taxes?
~~What questions should you ask an accountant?
~~ Or anything else you want to know! You ask; we’ll find the answers!
Send your questions to [email protected] by Sunday, May 15th.
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