The Open Window

The Open Window: Plant Your Creativity Where It Will Thrive

Creativity is like a plant: it only thrives in an environment that meets its needs. Quinn McDonald explains further in “The Open Window.”

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The Open Window: The Gift of Practice

In our fast-paced society we often try to skip past the practice while expecting perfection on the first try. Quinn McDonald explains why practice can be better than perfect.

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The Open Window: Taking Care of the Edges

Mixed media artist, Quinn McDonald shares insights on creativity, this time in the form of advice from her scientist father about spreading peanut butter.

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The Open Window: Emotional Triggers

Underlying fears can send us running off in a panic, but Quinn explains how we can come to notice when we’ve been triggered and can be present with fear.

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The Open Window: The Inner Critic MacGuffin

In this blog post, mixed-media artist, Quinn MacDonald, compares the artist’s inner critic to the vanishing MacGuffin tactic in films and television. She also explains the new book she’s working on and tells how you could be involved!

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The Open Window: Behind the Fear of an Artist

Have you ever considered how what you see as your faults may actually be strengths that simply need to be turned down a bit? Quinn explains how looking deep inside can help us quit playing the blame game.

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The Open Window: Leveraging Your Day Job for Your Art Life

Want to get rid of your day job so you can concentrate on your art? Quinn McDonald shares why that might not be the best idea while providing other suggestions for making time to make art.

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The Open Window: The Placebo Permission Slip

Quinn adapts the idea of a placebo pill to creativity. She explains how giving yourself permission to take time to be creative in conjunction with receiving encouragement and eliminating negativity can jump start your creative life.

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The Open Window: First Aid for Creative Injury

You know what to do for a sports injury, but are you prepared to deal with the results of creative injury? Quinn explains how the process is surprisingly similar.

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The Open Window: The Authentic You

Quinn McDonald gives us an interesting perspective on the notion that we need to feel we are being authentic in everything we do; authentic in our art, authentic in our interactions with others, authentic in our various roles. Does authenticity affect our level of compassion?

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