Trendabilities: Mixed Media’s Quirky Inspiration

A Mixed-Media Trend Report by Rebecca E. Parsons

As I began to write today, there are 104,841 items labeled mixed media art on Etsy. I trust you ask yourself frequently, “How can my art stand out in this ever-growing genre?”

Among these there are 3D works, altered and assembled works, mosaics, paper and even book works under this classification. What catches my eye as I scroll through the list are the works I would call quirky . . . not normal but oh so cool.

Three of them are listed here for your viewing pleasure.

The Wink and The Gun-mixed media prints on wood panels by Etsy seller retrowhale

Debris Pelican by Etsy seller nolasalvage

Toaster by Etsy seller BarbsCottage


Each of these make me look twice and smile as I ponder what I could draw from them as inspiration. Take a look and tell me what you find inspiring about them? How could you they have an influence on your creativity?  What is it about them that appeals to you (or not)?


Is Your Art Quirky?             

As we move into a new year, I encourage you to stand back and take a long, reflective look at your own art. It is always good to look over what you created in the past 12 months. Note where you have grown and where you have remained stagnant. Have you worked yourself into a rut doing the same old same old? If your art is selling, are you afraid to make changes? If it is not selling, could you add some quirkiness?

The challenge this month is to add a dose of quirky to your art. Cover an object in your home in glass mosaics. Paint some of your found objects and create something using just those. Create an art piece making a statement about a political event or current issue.


The Path to Quirky

Quirky is not defined by a set of rules; instead it’s all about experimentation. Taking risks with your art can pay off by allowing your body of work to showcase your individuality and style. It is about finding your voice as an artist. And I am all about finding your unique, individual voice and then shouting it to the sky through your art.

As an artist, think about catching your collectors unawares with an unpredictable work of art or thrilling them with an expression of your ever-present wonder. Most artists are by nature quirky, so it should not be too much of a stretch for you to let your imagination fly once in a while.

Some hints:

  1.  Celebrate your own unique perspective of the world.
  2. Love those parts of your personality that rebel against “being normal.”
  3. Be supportive of others’ quirkiness and help them to see the value of their quirky natures.


Self-discovery is a journey every artist must make in order to find his or her place in the art world. You and your creations are part of art history. Experimenting with quirkiness might just bring something forth that was unknown to you before. And that is an awesomely excellent thing indeed!!!

Please share your quirky art with me below. I would love to hear your awesomely excellent thoughts on the subject!


Rebecca E. Parsons is the creative force behind Cre8tive Compass Magazine, Cre8Tiva’s Blog and Artistically Speaking Talk Show. In her spare time, Rebecca is a digital and photographic mixed-media R-tiste, Retreat Leader, Dreamer, Possibility Coach, Lifelong Communicator & Blissful Wordsmith—just one inspired creative soul on a journey to Cre8Topia. Unconventional and delightfully curious, she is passionate about helping others embrace the artist within and create a life around their passion.


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