Get Motivated with Inspirational Quotes Illustrated

(This excerpt was previously published in Inspirational Quotes Illustrated by Lesley Riley, copyright 2014. It is republished here courtesy of North Light Books and

The Story Behind Inspirational Quotes Illustrated

“…The book you now hold in your hands is the culmination of a dream. It is a combination of the two things that I carry in my heart and soul as guiding lights: quotes and art. It is my attempt at the ultimate in inspiration—words and works of art that will move you to smile, to feel happy and think positive. Most of all, I hope to inspire you to take action on your dreams.

“This book is a result of the friendship and community I have found by taking action on my dreams and following my passion. It would not be anywhere near as expressive and rich without the many artists who responded to my call for art. My seed of an idea became a rich community garden of delight thanks to their contributions. This book would not exist without their time and talent. I want to thank you, too, for sharing this experience with me.

“This edition of Inspirational Quotes Illustrated is the magic that Goethe said would appear when you take action. My original self-published edition, entitled Quotes Illustrated, became a number one best-seller on Amazon in its one short month of availability. Within a week of its publication, Tonia Jenny of North Light Books asked me if North Light could acquire the book. It has always been my goal to reach and inspire more people, and a mass market publisher can make that happen. So I said a holy “YES!”

“Our task is to say a holy yes to the real things of our life as they exist—the real truth of who we are.”—Natalie Goldberg”

-Lesley Riley

That Self by Lesley Riley

That Self  |  Lesley Riley 7″ × 10″ (18cm × 25cm) fabric, paint


Your World by Holly Dean

Your World | Holly Dean 10″ × 10″ (25cm × 25cm) painting: calligraphy, faux gilding, patinas

“Don’t ever let anyone build your world for you. They always build it too small.”
-Holly Dean


Do It Now by Cheryl Alt

Do It Now! | Cheryl Alt 12″ × 12″ (30cm × 30cm) collage: vintage papers, paint

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Kindness by Norina Morris

Kindness | Norina Morris 20″ × 24″ (51cm × 61cm) painting: acrylic, ink

Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.
-Lao Tzu


The Walker by Diane Becka

The Walker | Diane Becka 5″ × 7″ (13cm × 18cm) fabric collage: fused appliqué, free motion embroidery, colored pencil

Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. I have walked myself into the best thoughts.
-Søren Kierkegaard

(This excerpt was previously published in Inspirational Quotes Illustrated by Lesley Riley, copyright 2014. It is republished here courtesy of North Light Books and

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